Alone Yet Not Alone

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Alone Yet Not Alone
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Рэй Бенгстон, Джордж Д. Эскобар
Джордж Д. Эскобар, Джеймс Ричардс, Tracy Leininger Craven
Барбара Дивисек, Джордж Д. Эскобар, Cynthia Garcia Walker
Джеймс Сеттлс
Уильям Росс
Р. Марк Хьюз, Sarah Costello, Элвис Дэвис
М. Скотт Смит
90 мин.
В главных ролях: 
Келли Грейсон, Natalie Racoosin, Дженн Готцон, Оззи Торрес, Тони Вэйд, Роберт Пирс, Джоани Стюарт, Джозеф Грэй, Джеймс Хартнер, Кэсси Бреннан

The year is 1755, and the English colonies are being ravaged by the atrocities of war. Opposing European powers have clashed over the fertile Ohio valley, and entire families are devastated by the ensuing violence. Hostile native tribes are raiding the vulnerable frontier farms, and two young sisters are among those taken captive. While hoping for rescue and return to their home, they are comforted with the words of a family hymn: Alone Yet Not Alone. But when the sisters are suddenly and cruelly separated, their tender faith is brought to a stretching point. Forcibly immersed into a primitive foreign culture, the older sister, Barbara, clings to her beliefs. Yet now a deeper fate threatens, and she makes a difficult decision: to risk her life in an attempt to escape. Pursued by a relentless and cunning warrior, Barbara and her three fellow captives must cross over two hundred miles of raw wilderness in their effort to reach friendly territory. Will their courage and trust in God be enough to see them through? And if they do succeed, will they find their family? Will Barbara ever see her sister again? Alone Yet Not Alone depicts the riveting true story of a family at a critical juncture in our nation's history.

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