Oscar 2015 Nominees

Номинанты "Оскара-2015". Красным выделены позиции, которые я не угадал.

Best Film
1. ''American Sniper''
2. ''Birdman''
3. ''Boyhood''
4. ''Gone Girl''
5. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
6. ''The Imitation Game''
7. ''Selma''
8. ''The Theory of Everything''
9. ''Whiplash''

Best Director
1. Wes Anderson (''The Grand Budapest Hotel'')

2. Bennett Miller (''Foxcatcher'')
3. Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu (''Birdman'')
4. Richard Linklater (''Boyhood'')
5. Morten Tyldum (''The Imitation Game'')

Best Actor
1. Benedict Cumberbatch (''The Imitation Game'')

2. Steve Carell (''Foxcatcher'')
3. Bradley Cooper (''American Sniper'')
4. Michael Keaton (''Birdman'')
5. Eddie Redmayne (''The Theory of Everything'') 

Best Actress
1. Marion Cotillard (''Two Days, One Night'')
2. Felicity Jones (''The Theory of Everything'')

3. Julianne Moore (''Still Alice'')
4. Rosamund Pike (''Gone Girl'')
5. Reese Witherspoon (''Wild'')

Best Supporting Actor
1. Robert Duvall (''The Judge'')

2. Ethan Hawke (''Boyhood'')
3. Edward Norton ('Birdman')
4. Mark Ruffalo ('Foxcatcher')
5. J.K. Simmons (''Whiplash'')

Best Supporting Actress
1. Patricia Arquette (""Boyhood'')
2. Keira Kneightley (''The Imitation Game'')

3. Laura Dern (''Wild'')
4. Emma Stone (''Birdman'')
5. Meryl Streep (''Into the Woods'')

Best Original Screenplay
1. ''Birdman''
2. ''Boyhood''
3. ''Foxcatcher''
4. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
5. ''Nightcrawler''

Best Adapted Screenplay
1. ''American Sniper''
2. ''Inherent Vice''
3. ''The Imitation Game''
4. ''The Theory of Everything''
5. ''Whiplash''

Best Film Editing
1. ''American Sniper''
2. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
3. ''Boyhood''
4. ''The Imitation Game''
5. ''Whiplash''

Best Cinematography
1. ''Birdman''
2. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
3. ''Ida''
4. ''Mr. Turner''
5. ''Unbroken''

Best Production Design
1. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
2. ''The Imitation Game''
3. ''Interstellar''
4. ''Into the Woods''

5. ''Mr. Turner''

Best Costume Design
1. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
2. ''Inherent Vice''
3. ''Into the Woods''
4. ''Maleficent''
5. ''Mr. Turner''

Best Original Score
1. ''Mr. Turner''
2. ''The Grand Budapest Hotel''
3. ''The Theory of Everything''
4. ''The Imitation Game''
5. ''Interstellar''

Best Visual Effects
1. ''Dawn of the Planet of the Apes''
2. ''Guardians of the Galaxy''
3. ''Captain America: WInter Soldier''
4. ''Interstellar''

5. ''X-Men: Days of Future Past"

Best Animated Feature Film
1. ''Big Hero 6''
2. ''The Boxtrolls''
3. ''How to Train Your Dragon 2''
4. ''Song of the Sea''
5. ''The Tale of Princess Kaguya''

Best Foreign Language Film
1. ''Ida'' (Poland)
2. ''Leviathan'' (Russia)
3. ''Tangerines'' (Estonia)
4. ''Timbuktu'' (Mauritania)
5. ''Wild Tales'' (Argentina)

Ухты, я уже аж целых 4 фильма

Ухты, я уже аж целых 4 фильма из 9 посмотрел Smile Не думал, что так много с самого старта выйдет..

А что это Лего продинамили? Что за нахер? Мультики is sucks!

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